We went back to Doone Valley camp site,the weather was nice and I saw some good mushrooms and flowers.
We found a stags horn, it looks like Seka Deer but we are not sure whether they are found in Doone Valley.
I think this is a Death Cap!
This is a Spotted Orchid, not sure what type.
Good find, Boletus Cisalpinus
Small tortoiseshell.
Stinkhorn...it smells!
English Stone Crop growing on scree.
Sheep's Bit.
This flower is called Fox And Cubs.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
As the weather has been so dry I have not found much but this is just some of the things I have found in these past couple of weeks.
When I was walking over an old train bridge I saw this Fox sunbathing. We got a lot of pics of it before it went off in to the trees, it stayed in the one place for about 5 mins so it gave us a good view of it.
Butterbur, it's BIG!
I don't know what type of fungus this is, it was growing on a river bank.
A bit blured but a splendid fungus, Dryad's Saddle.