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Sunday, 30 September 2012


Since last time I posted here, I hardly saw any mushrooms. But the times have changed!
Geastrum triplex
Collared Earthstars!
There was a group of about ten. That's a first for me. :-)

Hypholoma fasciculare 
A really big clump of Sulphur Tuft. 
Xerula radicata
Rooting Shank.

Bolbitius titubans. 
Yellow Fieldcap.
Chlorociboria aeruginascens 
Green Elfcup.
Green Elfcup is common, you often see the green stains it leaves on rotting logs, but 
fruiting bodies are less common.
Neobulgaria pura
Beech Jellydisc.

Leotia lubrica
Marasmius cohaerens.