Some nice fungi I have found in the past week.
The first few pictures were taken at our local park:
Very nice Hare'sfoot Inkcap.Coprinopsis lagopus.
Nice Shaggy Parasol!
Chlorophyllum rhacodes.
These next pictures were taken at Leigh Woods:
Sheathed Woodtuft.Kuehneromyces mutabilis.
Very, very nice Freckled Dapperling.
Lepiota aspera.
Beautiful hidden Collared Earthstars.
Geastrum triplex.
Yellowing Woodwax, I think...
Hygrophorus discoxanthus.
Milking bonnet.
Mycena galopus.
Burgundydrop Bonnet.
Mycena haemantopus.
Common Rustgill.
Gymnopilus penetrans.