We hired a cottage in Devon for a few days.
I really enjoyed my time there! :-D
Here are the things we saw on our walks:
A very nice Wood Blewit (not growing in woods). :-pLepista nuda.
I'm pretty sure these are White Spindles.
Clavaria fragilis.
A greeny-grey Parrot Waxcap.
Hygrocybe psittacina.
Apricot Club.
Clavulinopsis luteoalba.
Macrolepiota procera.
Two very nice waterfalls! :-)
Crimson Waxcap, it looks really nice.
Hygrocybe punicea.
A very nice, green Parrot Waxcap.
Geoglossum cookeanum.
Yellow Fieldcap.
Bolbitius titubans.
We saw these on the beach, I think a type of worm makes them. I'm no expert though. ;)
A Starfish!
Nice Meadow Coral.
Clavulinopsis corniculata.
Meadow Waxcap.Hygrocybe pratensis.