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Monday, 11 August 2008

These are my Giant African Land Snails, they are called Apple and Cabbage.There are some British Garden Snails in the picture to show how large they are.I got the snails in mid May from Cardiff Museum, when I got them their shells measured 4.5 but now the biggest one is and the smaller one is favourite foods are cucumber and lettuce and they love Cuttlefish bones. They eat Cuttlefish bones for the Calcium which keeps their shells growing, they can grow as large as from head to tail.They are from the rainforests in East Africa especially Kenya and Tanzania but mine seem to be living quite happily in their tank.
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jim b said...

I think they look bigger then they did when i left this morning:) Have you been feeding them up on spinach?

FT said...

Wow they're getting big!!. Its great to see what you're getting up to. Hoping to see you soon : )